[discussion] eliminating macro dependency for `refineMV`
erikerlandson opened this issue · 2 comments
moving this sub-discussion on #758 to its own topic for clarity
It seems like it could be possible for refined
to go completely macro-less, if (for example) refineMV[Positive](5)
was instead written as refineMV[Positive, 5]
This would involve the compile-time refineMV
leaning totally on singleton-ops, and expressions of the (pseudo)form implicit valid: OpAuxBoolean[P[V], true]
. In that respect, all the macros get pushed to singleton-ops. fthomas/singleton-ops#134 would probably get singleton-ops close to supporting all of refined, maybe not all the way. It could put refined
in a better position for scala 3, and localize all the macro porting to singleton-ops.
In pre-2.13 scala this would not be as nice: refineMV[Positive, W.
, but the future is first-class literal types.
A possible alternative would be to use scala trickery to bind the literal type from the parameter:
scala> def foo[T <: Singleton](ce: T)(implicit tt: WeakTypeTag[T]): String = tt.tpe.toString
foo: [T <: Singleton](ce: T)(implicit tt: WeakTypeTag[T])String
scala> foo(5)
res34: String = Int(5)
scala> foo(x)
res35: String = x.type
scala> foo("abc")
res36: String = String("abc")
I'm interested in the possibility of somehow unifying run-time (refineV
) with compile-time refineMV
, via the Validate
implicit system. I am not sure if it's feasible. Maybe it could be done by adding some kind of type Pred[L]
to Validate
, where one could compile-time test OpAuxBoolean[Pred[L], true]
in the case of refineMV
, and so compile-time and run-time tests are built-up in parallel via Validate
Sad, def foo[T <: Singleton](ce: T)
doesn't work on scala 2.12