
Compile-time refinement of lists?

jonathanfrawley opened this issue · 3 comments


I am trying to use refined to do compile time refinement of lists / sequences. The following code:

val e : List[Int] Refined NonEmpty = List(1,2,3)

gives the following error:

compile-time refinement only works with literals

I thought the above was a literal so I am confused about why this doesn't work.

@jonathanfrawley Here is an older comment that explains that compile-time refinements only works with literals as defined by the Scala language specification. List(1, 2, 3) is actually a method call of the List.apply method.

Thanks for the reply @fthomas. I thought as much. Is it a huge job to add support for this? I am happy to contribute some time to investigate, but if you think it is a huge task then I won't bother.

Think this should be closed, as it looks like this is not possible with the Scala spec.