
Alphanumeric type is not declared infix

qwbarch opened this issue · 2 comments

When using refined with Scala 3, the compiler complains about types not being declared as infix. For example:

val helloWorld: String Refined NonEmpty

This will cause the compiler to complain:

Alphanumeric type Refined is not declared `infix`; it should not be used as infix operator.
The operation can be rewritten automatically to `Refined` under -deprecation -rewrite.
Or rewrite to prefix syntax Refined[...] manually.bloop

I think I would accept a PR that adds the infix declaration to https://github.com/fthomas/refined/blob/master/modules/core/shared/src/main/scala-3.0+/eu/timepit/refined/api/Refined.scala. Does the compiler also complain if Refined is declared infix but you write Refined[...]?

Nope, the compiler doesn't complain when writing it as Refined[A, B].
I'll submit a PR probably tomorrow 👍