
Kills GNOME Shell 44 when starting Ardour 7 with splash screen enabled

nphilipp opened this issue · 5 comments

SSIA, if the extension is enabled, when Ardour 7.2/7.3 would show its splash screen, GNOME Shell would crash. In the case of X11, the desktop session would restart with shell extensions disabled and a subsequent attempt would work. In the case of Wayland, you simply get logged out hard.

This happens with both Ardour 7 installed as an RPM package on Fedora 38, or the flatpak from flathub. A workaround is to start Ardour with the -n command line switch which suppresses the splash screen.

fthx commented

Sorry I have no idea about this and I don't use Ardour.

liskin commented

The splash screen of Skype for Linux set up to autostart triggers the crash as well.

fthx commented

Are there some errors in logs?

liskin commented

Don't remember seeing anything meaningful in there. ☹️ (It's my in-laws' computer, not a gnome user myself.)

fthx commented

Ok I close this, I cannot do anything here.
Seems to be a conflict between splash screen and the lack of overview at start-up.
My guess is that the overview comes with some init code that is triggered, after start-up if the ext is installed but needed for the splash screens.