
Bring back click to minimize

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Initially, I loved the click to minimize option, however I disabled and stopped using it before you refactored and removed the option simply due to inconsistency with the way I normally minimize windows.

I'm thinking if it was configured to use the middle button, or followed the options used in gnome-tweaks, it would be a game changer.

Imagine double clicking the window title, and it maximizes the window. This would eliminate the need for the user to focus his mouse on the focused window title bar for resizing actions (when using the mouse).

Screenshot from 2023-11-01 22-45-37

fthx commented

I'd rather make buttons in title bar (which was done in the past by an old extension).

Closing issue as this request (use case) doesn't make sense to even me anymore.

fthx commented

You get this bahaviour with Task Up extension: