A collection of super-popular Interview questions, along with answers, and some code-snippets that I was putting together for myself while preparing for JavaScript interviews. Many of these questions are what I have actually faced in real interview. It is by no means comprehensive, and the answers are relatively short ( and for each of the concepts, there are probably better and/or more in depth coverage in the web), but I see this repo as reference tool, so I can continue a technical talk with the interviewer for two to three hours.
There are many fantastic resources for JavaScript interview questions, videos, and blog posts on the web and that I have drawn from. I will cite as many as I can throughout so that additional information on each list item can be easily found.
- π Big O Cheatsheet π Quick Big O understanding for coding interviews
- π developers/sorting-algorithms
- π tackling-javascript-algorithms
- π sorting-algorithms-in-javascript
- π Learn-Data_Structure-Algorithm-by-Javascript
- π Grokking Algorithms
- π Algorithms Visualization
- π coding-interviews-for-dummies
- π educative.io/collection/page/
- π Karp_algorithm
- π www.geeksforgeeks.org/top-algorithms-and-data-structures-for-competitive-programming/
- π best javascript-algorithms github repo
- π 14-patterns-to-ace-any-coding-interview-question
- π Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions
- π https://github.com/amejiarosario/dsa.js-data-structures-algorithms-javascript
Github Repositories with large collections of problems-and-solutions of them most popular Interview challenges
- π Algorithms-Leetcode-Javascript
- π Algorithm-in-JavaScript
- π Javascript-Challenges
- π JS-Challenges
- π code-problems-solutions
- π some common problems
- π Cracking the Coding Interview - Javascript
- π interview-questions-in-javascript
- π javascript-interview-questions
- π javascript-Exercises
- π 30-seconds-of-interview
- π js--interview-questions
Overall multi-factor approach for winning this huge challenge and a great journey of getting the first Developer Job
- π medium.com/javascript-scene/every-developer-needs-a-code-portfolio π Collection of Resources for Interview preparations and practices π How I got 7 Job Offers in 8 Weeks
- π /master-the-javascript-interview-soft-skills
- π google-lost-a-chance-to-hire-me-finally-amazon-hired-me
- π the-best-way-to-learn-to-code-is-to-code-learn-app-architecture-by-building-apps
- π 7-key-steps-to-getting-your-first-software-engineering-job
- π 5-key-learnings-from-the-post-bootcamp-job-search
- π how-to-get-your-first-developer-job-in-4-months
- π how-to-land-your-first-dev-job-even-if-you-don-t-have-a-cs-degree
- π how-to-land-a-top-notch-tech-job-as-a-student
- π unlocking-the-javascript-code-interview-an-interviewer-perspective
- π get-that-job-at-google.html
- π i-failed-my-effing-coding-interview-ab720c339c8a
- π how-i-landed-a-full-stack-developer-job-without-a-tech-degree-or-work-experience
- π here-are-4-best-ways-to-apply-for-software-engineer-jobs-and-exactly-how-to-use-them
- π how-to-get-a-tech-job-with-no-previous-work-experience
- π the-hard-thing-about-learning-hard-things
- π 70-job-find-websites-for-developers-other-tech-professionals
- π YouTube - 70+ Websites To Find Developer Jobs
- π YouTube - I'm 47 And Now I Want to be a Programmer
- π YouTube - How To Be A Well-Paid Programmer In 1 Year?
- π the-secret-to-being-a-top-developer-is-building-things-heres-a-list-of-fun-apps-to-build
- π javascript cheatsheet
- π Super useful es6-cheatsheet
- π freeCodeCamp Guide
- π functional-programming-in-js-map-filter-reduce
- π you-must-understand-these-14-javasript-functions
- π developer.mozilla.org/JavaScript/A_re-introduction_to_JavaScript
- π developer.mozilla.org/docs/JavaScript/Guide
- π You-Dont-Know-JS
- π GeeksForGeeks
- π Dev.To
- π Stack Overflow
- π Dzone
- π https://scotch.io/
- π https://30secondsofcode.org/
- π Front-end JavaScript Interviews in 2018β19
- π Leetcode
- π HackerRank
- π CodeForces
- π CodeChef
- π Coderbyte
- π CodinGame
- π Cs Academy
- π Daily Coding Problem
- π Spoj
- π HackerEarth
- π TopCoder
- π Codewars
- π Exercism
- π CodeFights
- π Project Euler
- π Interviewcake
- π InterviewBit
- π uCoder
- π LintCode
- π CodeCombat
More curated list of general resources for JavaScript Interviews
https://www.thatjsdude.com/interview/js1.html - JS: Interview Algorithm Part-1
https://www.thatjsdude.com/interview/js2.html - JS: Basics and Tricky Questions Part-2: intermediate
https://www.thatjsdude.com/interview/dom.html - JS: Interview Questions Part-3
https://medium.freecodecamp.org/3-questions-to-watch-out-for-in-a-javascript-interview-725012834ccb - 3 JavaScript questions to watch out for during coding interviews
https://github.com/ggomaeng/awesome-js - A curated list of javascript fundamentals and algorithms
https://github.com/Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Curated collection of useful Javascript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
https://medium.com/dev-bits/a-perfect-guide-for-cracking-a-javascript-interview-a-developers-perspective-23a5c0fa4d0d - A perfect guide for cracking a JavaScript interview - A developerβs perspective
https://github.com/yangshun/front-end-interview-handbook - Almost complete answers to "Front-end Job Interview Questions" which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore
https://medium.com/javascript-scene/master-the-javascript-interview-what-s-the-difference-between-class-prototypal-inheritance-e4cd0a7562e9 - Master the JavaScript Interview: Whatβs the Difference Between Class & Prototypal Inheritance?
https://medium.com/javascript-scene/master-the-javascript-interview-what-is-a-closure-b2f0d2152b36 - Master the JavaScript Interview: What is a Closure?
https://medium.com/javascript-scene/master-the-javascript-interview-what-is-function-composition-20dfb109a1a0 - Master the JavaScript Interview: What is Function Composition?
https://medium.com/javascript-scene/common-misconceptions-about-inheritance-in-javascript-d5d9bab29b0a - Common Misconceptions About Inheritance in JavaScript
https://dev.to/arnavaggarwal/10-javascript-concepts-you-need-to-know-for-interviews?utm_source=hashnode.com - 10 JavaScript concepts you need to know for interviews
https://hackernoon.com/a-quick-introduction-to-functional-javascript-7e6fe520e7fa - A Quick Introduction to Functional Javascript
https://github.com/ganqqwerty/123-Essential-JavaScript-Interview-Question - 123-Essential-JavaScript-Interview-Question
https://www.toptal.com/javascript/interview-questions - 37 Essential JavaScript Interview Questions
https://medium.com/coderbyte/a-tricky-javascript-interview-question-asked-by-google-and-amazon-48d212890703 - A Tricky JavaScript Interview Question Asked by Google and Amazon
Many tricky and common javascript-questions
Frontend/UI Engineer Interviews:
- call, apply and bind method
- Polyfill for bind method
- Currying
- Debouncing
- async vs defer
- Event Bubbling & Capturing
- Prototype & Prototypal Inheritance
- Throttling
- Thinking Recursively
- Local Storage and Session Storage
- sum(a)(b)(c)...(n)
- Web Storage APIs
- Event Loop
- Web Sockets
- Closures
- Callbacks & Promises
- Revise everything again
- Difference between deep clone and shallow clone and how to write your own deep clone fucntion/polyfill for deepclone
- ES6 data structures such as Map and Set. In certain cases, Map is much better suited than an Object. Probably even Server Sent Events would be a good thing to know.
- Observable and subscribers, subject, behaviour subject and repeatable subject