[Request] Full suport for Gpredict
Opened this issue · 7 comments
I have tested my SunSDR with Gpredict using tciadapter (on Windows as a start :p ) and it works partially.
Not sure exactly why uplink and downlink effect each other, but I can help to debug this.
Hi, can you please post a screenshot of your radio settings in gpredict?
The tx frequency -264133683 looks a bit wierd. Can you please run tciadapter with the option --trace_hamlib
Which version of Gpredict are you using? Which version of ExpertSDR?
Im running the ESDR3 beta 05 and Gpredict v2.2.1
I think the offset 0f -264MHz comes from the IF and LO settings in ESDR3? ...I have not figured out everthing here yet!
tciadaper trace attached
In the trace you can see that the hamlib communication is working. Gpredict tries to set the frequency to 435MHz when transmitting. I'm not aware of a SunSDR that can transmit on 70cm. I guess you first have to find out how to configure the LO settings for your transverter in Gpredict.
Got it working as it seems if Im running in the same band and not using the converter mode (for 70cm). I guess there might be a problem here that SunSDR dont work in full duplex mode yet(?).
Thanks for looking in to it, Ill keep testing...