
Special lifecycle callbacks separated from other properties

wilsonpage opened this issue · 5 comments

As inspired by x-tags the clear separation of lifecycle callbacks and other custom properties.

var Apple = fm.define({
  name: 'apple',
  template: template,
  lifecycle: {
    initialize: function() {},
    setup: function() {},
    teardown: function() {},
    destroy: function() {}
  myAppleMethod: function() {}

or possible reverting to old style:

var Apple = fm.define({
  name: 'apple',
  template: template,
  onInitialize: function() {},
  onSetup: function() {},
  onTeardown: function() {},
  onDestroy: function() {}
  myAppleMethod: function() {}

or titled callbacks:

var Apple = fm.define({
  name: 'apple',
  template: template,
  callbacks: {
    initialize: function() {},
    setup: function() {},
    teardown: function() {},
    destroy: function() {}
  myAppleMethod: function() {}

I think you mean (JS object not function)

lifecycle: {
  initialize: function() {},
  setup: function() {},
  teardown: function() {},
  destroy: function() {}

Would it be worth considering renaming them to be x-tagsy too?
initialize => created
setup => inserted
teardown => removed
destroyed left as is

This would require some amendments deeper down in fruitmachine to make fruitmachine objects' lifecycles more in tune with the web component spec. I feel that could be a good thing.

(Basically leave it up to fruitmachine to intelligently call setup and teardown)

(In order to mitigate the migration pain we could provide an global fruitmachine option to switch auto-setup on and off)

(Or we could just implement it and make the setup() / teardown() methods on module API do nothing and remove them from the codebase as a second step)