Saliency Maps Give a False Sense of Explanability to Images: Experimental Analysis to Saliency Methods and Evaluation Metrics
This repository covers the experimental procedure for the 2024 ACML article titled Saliency Maps Give a False Sense of Explanability to Images: Experimental Analysis to Saliency Methods and Evaluation Metrics
Check here the list of requirements. CASME utils are provided inside the repository. Thanks to the original from kondiz.
Please bear in mind that you can gain insight into how each script works and its required commands by typing help
For ease of use, command line scripts are also provided in sh_scripts for each procedure here mentioned
Diagnostics Move into main and run the script Generates a json file containing the prediction probabilities for most-least likely predictions for the set of images, as well as the labels in each case.
Generation To generate the many different activations/representations, select from the scripts in generation. Options include CAM variants, gradient (standard, guided, integrated), LIME, RISE and IBA. Each script allows for generation of groundtruth labels, predicted labels and worst instances.
- It's important to note that gradient visualizations have no standard deprocessing for visualization, be it either the mean gradient zeroed out and +/- gradients between 0-1 (Smoothgrad deprocessing); or keeping the mean as 0.5, performing outlier pruning and scaling to 0-1 (Jacobgil deprocessing). A switch between these options is found in the gradient generation scripts and routines.
- Check for support for CAM variants, as some more can be included by adding them into lib initialization from jacobgil's pytorch-grad-cam repository.
Evaluation On the main article interpretable recognition and complexity analysis were considered for evaluation of the generated saliency maps per attribution method. However, it is also possible to perform localization evaluation although its results were not considered for this assessment given their misalignment between classifier and human centric evaluation.
For interpretable evaluation (metrics from Grad-CAM++ and RISE) refer to script interpretable recognition.
For metrics relating to Fidelity, refer to script complex analysis.
Lastly, for evaluation experiments and similar to interpretable recognition, refer to script localization evaluation.
Cases for augmented images Similar to previous scripts for generation, an "augmented" version is used to induce image modifications. Additionally, the script augmented evaluation runs the evaluation procedure once per augmentation type selected.
Additional attribution methods are actively being developed and added as support to this repository. Most importantly methods derivating from Layer-wise Relevance Propagation are planned towards the future although support for different architectures with skip connections and complex designs is still pending.
If this work is relevant to you, you can cite it as:
title={Saliency Maps Give a False Sense of Explanability to Image Classifiers: An Empirical Evaluation across Methods and Metrics},
author={Hanwei Zhang and Felipe Torres Figueroa and Holger Hermanns},
booktitle={The 16th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (Conference Track)},