How do I update my markdown class
Nao000 opened this issue · 3 comments
PHP Version 8.0.6
FuelPHP 1.8.2
fuel uses "michelf/php-markdown": "1.7.0". but this markdown module version is old.
this version access array with curly braces. Example: $array{0}
So, this code will be error.
$string = '# About Markdown';
echo Markdown::parse($string);
Compile Error!
ErrorException [ Compile Error ]:
Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported
I don't know what to do.
Current version of php-markdown is 1.9.0, have you tried upgradeing it?
If that doesn't fix it, we probably have to switch to another library, like league/commonmark.
Thanks, I manual upgrade 1.9.0 and it works. I download php-markdown v1.9.0, and copy and paste to fuel\vendor\michelf
Fuelphp is requires michelf/php-markdown: 1.7.0
so I couldn't upgrade with composer.
Thanks for testing, I've updated the composer.json to require 1.9.0.