Linking to source for individual methods on Github
tgriesser opened this issue · 8 comments
Thought it'd be cool if clicking on items in the class reference would bring someone to the Github source line for that method...
For example clicking on the "get" method in Fuel -> Arr would bring you to
This would be unmanageable. Whenever a file changes all the link would have to update. There will be a link to the corresponding method doc, that will be enough to work with in our opinion.
Actually, it's not that bad. ;)
That line number is actually part of the Docblox XML, so I can add it to the parse process...
it might be a challenge to map it to the correct github link, as we don't document the invididual repo's, but only the assembled FuelPHP installation. So paths will not match...
@WanWizard but that would mean a post-deploy docs buildup from the group on up on every commit, you sure you want this?
this is not about docs, it's about the api docs.
The docblox XML is currently generated every hour for every version of FuelPHP, and every 15 minutes for the current version. The XML is pre-processed by a task in the background, pages are only generated when requested (and cached after generation (still a todo)).
@WanWizard just know what you're getting yourself into ;)
It's a feature request, not a commitment. :)
Would be really cool - but seems to be stale ... ;)
If by that you mean it doesn't seem to be on my priority list, you might be right... 😁