
Type in Theme documentation

sLIDe5 opened this issue · 0 comments

There's a typo in Theme class documentation's example configuration file: http://docs.fuelphp.com/classes/theme/introduction.html

Instead of

return array(
    'active' => 'default',
    'fallback' => 'default',
    'paths' => array(           // theme files are outside the DOCROOT here
    'assets_folder' => 'themes',    // so this implies <localpath>/public/themes/<themename>...
    'view_ext' => '.html',
    'info_file_name' => 'theme.info',
    'require_info_file' => false,
    'info_file_type' => 'php',

it sould be

return array(
    'active' => 'default',
    'fallback' => 'default',
    'paths' => array(           // theme files are outside the DOCROOT here
    'assets_folder' => 'themes',    // so this implies <localpath>/public/themes/<themename>...
    'view_ext' => '.html',
    'info_file_name' => 'theme.info',
    'require_info_file' => false,
    'info_file_type' => 'php',

See the triple P in word APPPATH