Is cell docs page missing?
watilde opened this issue · 1 comments
watilde commented
Hi. I tried to check oil cell
command then I saw a docs URL, but it seems 404.
Is cell docs page missing?
cli history:
$ oil cell
oil cell <sub-command> <cell-name>
Packages containing extra functionality can be downloaded (or git cloned) simply with
the following commands.
Runtime options:
--via-zip # Download a ZIP file instead of using Git or Hg.
oil cell list
oil cell search <keyword>
oil cell show <cell-name>
oil cell install <cell-name>
oil cell uninstall <cell-name>
WanWizard commented
cells was an old idea to introduce a central package repository, which never really materialized, so the idea was scrapped. It should have been removed fro the code too, but I think nobody was too bothered.
In the meantime the world moved on, and gave us Composer and Packagist, so it isn't really needed anymore. We've got some other ideas for Fuel v2, we'll which ones will make it off the drawing board.