
Fuelphp simplified Chinese Manual - FuelPHP简体中文手册

wxb opened this issue · 6 comments

wxb commented

@stevewest @sagikazarmark

simplified Chinese Manual

Hi, I translated this site www.fuelphp.com into Chinese (Simplified), Can you create a link in Chinese (Simplified) , This can help Chinese developers


本手册是本人在使用fuelPHP中,由于原有fuelPHP官网使用了一些google的jQuery,导致网页加载慢甚至无法加载。自己download了官网, 修改了其中jQuery加载的url,同时针对繁体中文对于很多人来说阅读还是有一些费劲,所以利用业余时间逐步翻译成简体中文。分享给大家, 希望可以帮到想要了解fuelPHP的小伙伴么!




简直中文正在翻译中,欢迎对fuelphp感兴趣的小伙伴加入 😄

We can add the link to this page: http://docs.fuelphp.com/installation/tutorials.html as it is external information.

@kenjis do you know if docs are available translated into Japanse? We could add that too...


In Japanese FuelPHP community, we've been translating the documentation since 2011, but it is not finished yet.
However now we reach very close to the end. I think we could finish 1.8-dev translation in this month.

Would be a good idea to add this link to the docs all well?

Yes, it is very nice. But the page title Tutorials might be changed.

wxb commented

Thanks, this page's URL is http://wxb.github.io/fuelPHP.zh-CN/index.html
This document is based on the fuelphp 1.7-dev documents.
Later, I will gradually translation fuelphp 1.8-dev documentation. And I will put it on a dedicated Web site, for example, www.fuelphp.help
Thank you very much