
Installing for subsequent repositories silently fails after first repo install

sh41 opened this issue · 1 comments

sh41 commented

Hi again,

We use two repositories, and when we try to install for both of them it silently fails on the second one. I think this can be solved by adding the telemetry_prefix to the handler_id in the call to :telemetry.attach/4.

  @doc """
  Attaches `telemetry_handler/4` to application.
  @spec install(repo_module :: module()) :: :ok
  def install(repo_module) when is_atom(repo_module) do
    config = repo_module.config()

    if config[:log] == false do
        ["ecto.dev_logger"] ++ config[:telemetry_prefix],
        config[:telemetry_prefix] ++ [:query],

I also changed the if statement so that any response from the call to :telemetry.attach/4 doesn't get swallowed.

Happy to submit this as a PR if you agree that this makes sense? Also happy for anyone else to do this or solve in any other way :-)


yes, it totally makes sense. Happy to accept a PR :)