
REST API, documentation with markdown, securing API with JWT

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple CRUD App with Rest API using ExpressJs, Sequelize and Postgress

Rest API

List of user routes:

Route HTTP Description
/api/signup GET Register new User. isAdmin is set false as default.
/api/signin GET Sign in to API. Token and userId will be returned to be used for Sign In purpose.
/api/users GET Get all the users. (Admin Only)
/api/users/:id GET Get a single user (Admin and Authenticated User with same User Id. Admin can view every user)
/api/users POST Create a user (Admin Only)
/api/users/:id DELETE Delete a user (Admin Only)
/api/users/:id PUT Update a user with new info (Admin and Authenticated User with same User Id. Admin can edit every user, Authenticated user can't change isAdmin value defaulted to false)


To access route that need Authentication, you need to send headers using parameter token with value from Token generated after successfully doing Sign In.

Environtment Variable and Secret

Create '.env' file in the app root directory. Put your App secret key on it. You can check env-template for more detail.

SECRET=<Your App Secret>

Client side test

To test how the api works in real world scenario, you can test the demo using the following routes.

Sign In


This route displaying Sign in form for User or Admin to enter Username and Password. If Sign in is success, it will be redirected to http://localhost:3000/profiles/<userId> which show current user info. Generated token will be stored to browser localStorage with key token.

User Profile


This is the first route user redirected after sucessfully Sign in. Only Authenticated user with correct User Id and Admin can view this route. Admin can view any User, Authenticated user can only view its own profile. Non Admin and non privileges User will be kick out to sign in page.

All Users


This route display all registered user from database. Only Admin can access this page. Without correct admin token, User will be redirected to Sign in page.


With only npm:

npm install
npm start
npm run dev

Access the website via http://localhost:3000 or API via http://localhost:3000/api