

TatriX opened this issue · 1 comments

If there is a way to stop executing the following tests after a test failure?

There may be a better way, but this accomplishes what you ask and lets prove play nice with make:

Based upon the example from https://github.com/fukamachi/prove#quickstart, change the final expression from simply (finalize) to instead examine its result, which indicates whether there were any failures.

(unless (prove:finalize)
  (break "Test suite failures"))

with your Lisp's equivalent to sbcl --disable-debugger invoked from Makefile so that it stops on errors with test case code itself, too.

The ASDF manual indicates that success/failure isn't reported from test-op or any operation according to https://www.common-lisp.net/project/asdf/asdf.html#test_002dop which is why the extra logic goes into your test suite file.

Fancy version:

(unless (prove:finalize)
  (break "Test suite had ~D failure~:P: ~A"
	 (slot-value (prove:current-suite) 'prove.suite:failed)
  ;; Non-interactive such as running via make or CI, so avoid stack trace
  (uiop/image:shell-boolean-exit nil))

Edit: changed (sb-ext:exit :code 1) to (uiop/image:shell-boolean-exit nil) to be portable across Lisps.