How can a case sensitive table (or field) name be used?
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Deleted user commented
For instance, I have a table named 'theTest' in MySQL. Table names are case sensitive in MySQL, so a query selecting from 'thetest' will fail.
Using the sxql syntax, I can't find how to do something like:
(with-connection (db)
(select :*
(from :theTest))))
As the keyword ':theTest' becomes 'thetest' for the table name. Escaping via bars fails as well. It also seems like it is not possible to just call it as a string, such as "theTest".
eudoxia0 commented
, I believe.
Deleted user commented
I wish it did, but unfortunately this still presents an error, "DB Error: Table 'database.thetest' doesn't exist (Code: 1146)".
Deleted user commented
There is an issue with the datafly part of sxql, filed an issue there, possible fix pending (also the correct way seems to be double quoting it, so it becomes "theTest").