
Trying to Get This Think to Work

perchslayer opened this issue · 1 comments

I created my own public data set which is here. [ http://bl.ocks.org/d/923a2b36bb6702662667 ]

When I created a map for it using the template, it would not load. So I looked carefully at the parameters expected and indeed it seems your data set has a unique ID for each and every point feature that mine does not have. And since it is required for the tools, I am guessing this is my "main" problem. Could you tell me how you assigned those? And can they be just an integer? Or is this something that the Gist thingy does?

are you asking about the "fulcrum_id" field? Those are generated by the database system where the example data source is stored in his example. it's a UUID - probably generated using the database function uuid_generate so each time a record is added it generates a UUID. I think it just has to be unique - datatype shouldn't matter.