
Fragments still getting (attempted) annotations

jarredt opened this issue · 4 comments

I am seeing warnings on both the native and web versions of our app that Fragment elements are being given dataElement props. I have tried without specifying any "annotate-fragments" setting, setting it to false, and setting it to true, but I get the warning no matter what.

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Hi there @jarredt, RC here with FullStory's support engineering team. We're not set up to troubleshoot issues via Github issues currently. If you're still running into issues here can you reach out to mobile-support@fullstory.com? We'll be more than happy to help out.

Thanks so much!

For anyone googling around trying to find a solution to this, add the following

[ '@fullstory/babel-plugin-annotate-react', { native: true, ignoreComponents: ['React.Fragment'] }, ],