
Some routing doesn't update when loading a preset.

Opened this issue · 2 comments

This issue is the same as the one described in the issue linked below. It is now posted here, as it is apparently an AlsaJsonMixer issue, rather than an AlsaJsonGateway issue.


A patch was applied to AlsaJsonMixer, but even after updating it, I am still experiencing the problem.

Here's a little more detail in case it's helpful. I've noticed that Input 1 (which I've set to PCM 1) consistently needs toggled, while Input 2 (PCM 2) does not. Also, I know that Input 9 (Analog 1) always or almost always needs toggled as well (not sure about the others, as I haven't used them enough times to notice a trend). Also, the Master Playback Route selectors only occasionally need to be toggled.

Let me know if I can provide any additional information which might be helpful.

Question, this happen both when you power up the board or when you quit and restart the Mixer when the board is already on ?

Previously it happened almost every time I opened the mixer or loaded a new preset. I just did some testing, and after the update, I can now only reproduce the problem after powering up the board.