How can i send sms
sergey-chechaev opened this issue · 6 comments
I don't get it how can I send SMS by smppex?
For example in lib i can send sms by
Ids = esmpp:send_sms(C, <<"12345">>, <<"639473371390">>, <<"Hello">>).
Where 12345
number from and 639473371390
mobile number to.
I do:
{:ok, esme} = SMPPEX.ESME.Sync.start_link("", 12000)
bind = SMPPEX.Pdu.Factory.bind_transmitter("test", "test")
{:ok, _bind_resp} = SMPPEX.ESME.Sync.request(esme, bind)
submit_sm = SMPPEX.Pdu.Factory.submit_sm({"EDTEST", 1, 1},{"79685555555", 1, 1}, "hello!")
{:ok, submit_sm_resp} = SMPPEX.ESME.Sync.request(esme, submit_sm)
But sms does not come
Could you please inspect the resulting submit_sm_resp
Hi @savonarola
iex(7)> submit_sm_resp
%SMPPEX.Pdu{command_id: 2147483652, command_status: 0,
mandatory: %{message_id: "2003D740DC2"}, optional: %{},
ref: #Reference<0.3390881824.734789634.102914>, sequence_number: 2}
The returned message_id=2003D740DC2
indicates that the sms was successfully accepted by the SMSC. So you should contact your SMSC support to know out why the sms wasn't delivered.
Btw, if you send messages from an alphanumeric number("EDTEST"), you probably should use ton=5
& npi=0
, i.e. {"EDTEST", 5, 0}
Yes, the issue was about the alphanumeric number and ton=5
. Now it works. Thank you.
I have also added in 514db9d simplified factory methods for submit_sm
which calculate npi/ton automatically for some general cases.
iex(4)> submit_sm = SMPPEX.Pdu.Factory.submit_sm("EDTEST", "79685555555", "hello!")
command_id: 4,
command_status: 0,
mandatory: %{
data_coding: 0,
dest_addr_npi: 1, <---------
dest_addr_ton: 1, <---------
destination_addr: "79685555555",
registered_delivery: 0,
short_message: "hello!",
source_addr: "EDTEST",
source_addr_npi: 0, <---------
source_addr_ton: 5 <---------
optional: %{},
ref: #Reference<0.2053855058.94633992.78237>,
sequence_number: 0
@savonarola cool 👍