
Why is the IF Version not sended?

Menkir opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @savonarola ,
i know that smppex only supports smpp 3.4. In e.g transmitter_bind the version isn't set by smppex.


That's a problem because i need to talk with another smpp server which checks the version. According to the docs there is no possibility to set the version manually.


One can set interface_version in this way:

iex(4)> SMPPEX.Pdu.Factory.bind_transmitter("system_id", "password") |> SMPPEX.Pdu.set_mandatory_field(:interface_version, 0x34) 
  command_id: 2,
  command_status: 0,
  mandatory: %{
    interface_version: 52,
    password: "password",
    system_id: "system_id"
  optional: %{},
  ref: #Reference<0.4205070554.1013710852.168993>,
  sequence_number: 0

or just

> SMPPEX.Pdu.Factory.bind_transmitter("system_id", "password", %{interface_version: 0x34})
  command_id: 2,
  command_status: 0,
  mandatory: %{
    interface_version: 52,
    password: "password",
    system_id: "system_id"
  optional: %{},
  ref: #Reference<0.4205070554.1013710852.169021>,
  sequence_number: 0

@savonarola The second variant worked in my case. Thank you!