
Embed your color palette on the web.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Coolage is an innovative tool to showcase your colour palette on the web by embedding them in pages, readmes etc.


While developing web projects it's hard to showcase the exact colour visually from its HEX, RGBA and HSLA. To resolve this I had written various functions and components which renders a small box filled with the given colour. Over time it became quite repetitive and frustrating. So I thought why not create a tool to solve the problem.


Using the Coolage URL generator you can pick the colour and the size of the placeholder which generates a URL in real-time. Click the copy icon and the URL will be copied to you clipboard. Voila! Paste the URL and you are good to go :)

Color HEX Placeholder
Red #f44336
Pink #e91e63
Purple #9c27b0
Deep Purple #673ab7
Indigo #3f51b5
Blue #2196f3
Light Blue #03a9f4
Cyan #00bcd4
Teal #009688
Green #4caf50
Light Green #8bc34a
Lime #cddc39
Yellow #ffeb3b
Amber #ffc107
Orange #ff9800
Deep Orange #ff5722
Brown #795548
Grey #9e9e9e
Blue Grey #607d8b
Balck #000000