
Generated dates do not align with other sources

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According to the following links the AIRAC dates are different then the dates being generated by the program.

The cycle generated by the program on January 29th 2020 was the following:

AIRAC cycle: 2001
Effective from: 1/1/2020
Effective to (incl.): 1/28/2020

The expected response according to the above links should be this:

AIRAC cycle: 2001
Effective from: 1/2/2020
Effective to (incl.): 1/30/2020

I'm getting the correct dates:

airac-cc -d 2020-01-29
AIRAC cycle:  2001
Effective from: 1/2/2020
Effective to (incl.): 1/29/2020

I assume this is related to improper timezone handling. I'll have a look.