
Use 7.0.1 funfix version in Angular based on Webpack

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Hi, i want to use funfix in a the Angular framework based on Webpack.

After the install of the dependency npm install --save funfix, the dependency is well added in the nodes_modules and package.json.

Then i use, for example, the pattern Option with the following import :

import {Option} from "funfix";

But i have the following error :

ERROR in node_modules/funfix-core/dist/disjunctions.d.ts(775,14): error TS2416: Property 'value' in type 'TNone' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'Option<never>'.
  Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'never'.

@OliverJAsh basically, strictNullChecks can affect other dependencies 🤔