
Use with WordPress 4.7

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Has anyone else tried to use the plugin in WordPress 4.7? I know it hasn't been tested but maybe someone can tell me if what I'm experiencing is a compatibility issue or I am just missing some step in the plugin set-up.

I'm using:
WordPress: 4.7.1
Advanced Custom Fields: qTranslate: Version 1.7.18
qTranslate-X: Version
Advanced Custom Fields PRO: Version 5.5.5

I go to Settings / ACF qTranslate and check both options
Enable translation for Standard Field Types
Display language tabs

But when I go to the post and try to edit the custom fields, the language tabs do not appear.

Am I missing something?

Thanks a lot!

Edit: I also followed these instructions afterwards but I'm getting the same results.

@Nat-THS LSB not appearing only this post type or all post type? Maybe you need to change qTranslate settings.

Same issue. After update language tabs has disappeared and all languages were dropped into single text input.


I have a similar problem: LSB appear (without style) but the wysiwyg editor doesn't show up.
Might be related