
Kubernetes namespace creation should be handled diffferently under OpenShift

bbrowning opened this issue · 1 comments

When running inside of OpenShift, users typically won't have permission to create new Kubernetes namespaces. Detecting OpenShift and creating new OpenShift projects (which creates a new Kube namespace) is one alternative, although many OpenShift installs have a limit on the total number of projects a user can have.

You can specify an existing namespace to use with funktion install platform to partially workaround this issue. But, the funktion-platform-2.4.21-kubernetes.yml file also tries to create a user-secrets-source-admin namespace which will fail under OpenShift.

good catch. I've updated the installer to just reuse the current namespace now which makes it a little easier to use. e.g. we can now use funktion on openshift online.

I've also removed that user-secrets-source-admin stuff which was a hangover from fabric8