Dragabble area?
Slyrfecso opened this issue · 0 comments
Slyrfecso commented
I would like to know, how can I define draggable are or one elemet in the row?
My rows of table is on fullscreen on my Tablet device, therefore I can't scroll.
Everywhere I tap the raw then I can sort them, therefore I can't scroll.
'.$row["atveheto"].' | '.$row["megrendelo"].' | '.$row["cleanrovidnevek"].' | '.$row["db"].' | '.$checksum.' | '.$row["uzenet"].' | '.$row["telepules"].' | '.$row["vegosszeg"]. " Ft".' |
<script type="text/javascript"> $('.wrapper').sortable({ connectWith: $('.wrapper') }); </script>
Any idea would be helpful.