
LU-SGS for oscillating NACA-0012

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Hi, Jiri Furst.

I am Jiaqi, from shanghai Jiaotong University, a 5-years phd student. Recently, I have contacted with u in github issues. I am doing my final PhD thesis, which is related to aeroacoustic. Thus, I developed a non-reflecting boundary for high resolution of simulation with LES method.

Your work is quite appealing to me. Its amazing your have done so much of work on dynamic mesh, both DyMFoam and ALE. While it vertified in the 1D sinewave case. I try to explore more possibility, such as 3D case, with rotating blade or oscillating solid. I found you have done some work with it, as shown in your JCP-2018 (the oscillating NACA-0012).

I am emailing to you for asking if you could share this case with me. My idea is to combine it with non-reflecting boundary condition, dealing with the oscillating source of acoustic in the swirl flow duct. Which I have done a lot of theory works and experiments on it. I will introduce your solver in my thesis.

Like u, I am a open source enthusiast, I will share all my phd work in my github in the final. If you are willing, that would be great.

my email: jiaqiwang969@gmail.com

Yours sincerely