
Three approaches to big integer multiplication by Rust. 大整数乘法(递归法)

Primary LanguageRust

Big Integer Multiplication

说明文档中文版(Readme Chinese Version)在这里


$ tree
├── Cargo.toml
├── datas
│   ├── data1.csv
│   └── data2.csv
├── draw.py
├── examples
│   ├── bad_case.rs
│   └── rand_case.rs
├── readme.md
├── readme_cn.md
├── results
│   ├── result1.svg
│   ├── result1_py.png
│   ├── result2.svg
│   ├── result2_py.png
│   └── result_cmp_py.png
├── src
│   ├── big_integer.rs
│   ├── bin
│   │   ├── draw.rs
│   │   └── old.rs
│   ├── lib.rs
│   └── main.rs
└── tests
    └── mult_tests.rs

Experimental Setting

Sortware/Hardware Version
OS Linux/Ubuntu20.04
Vim 8.1.2269
Rust(rustc) 1.61.0
Cargo 1.61.0

Program Running


git clone https://github.com/furtherun/big-integer-multiplication

Compile with Cargo

cd big-integer-multiplication
cargo build --release

Run an Example

cargo run --example rand_case

This example randomly generates two 10-digits large integers, multiplies them in three ways, and prints the result.

x = 2010695756, y = 3273900753

Run Experiment

cargo run --bin big_int_mult

If you see text like this in a command-line window, the program is simulating the big integer multiplication.

Big integer length = 10 generated.
mult takes 0.038 ms, mult_recur takes 0.124 ms, mult_recur_pro takes 0.019 ms
Big integer length = 10 finished.
Big integer length = 100 generated.
mult takes 1.909 ms, mult_recur takes 0.475 ms, mult_recur_pro takes 0.026 ms
Big integer length = 100 finished.
Big integer length = 1000 generated.
mult takes 187 ms, mult_recur takes 420 ms, mult_recur_pro takes 0.112 ms

The run time datas are save in directory /datas.


cargo run --bin draw

And the result drawings are save in directory /results. However, Rust drawing is less than ideal now, so code by Python is given for drawing, and you can be run draw.py after getting the data.

Result Show


Outdated methods

cargo run --bin old

The unoptimized method runs much slower compared to the optimized method.

Still Bugs

  1. test_mult_recur() can not pass;
  2. mult_recur_pro() sometimes will caculate wrong answer, such as in cargo run --example bad_case, some digit in middle of res3 is wrong。