
ESM output support

charsleysa opened this issue · 3 comments

Are there any plans for supporting ESModule output?

I see a lot of other tools and packages are switching the ESModule output, some exclusively only output ESModule and ditching UMD/AMD/CommonJS.

Would be great if fuse-box supported this as we are looking to switch over to ESModule output.

If anyone is having issues pulling in ESM modules into fusebox for the time being, use a library like simport which will make that lib compatible with fusebox.

Here's an example using 'p-queue', a pure ESM lib (and synchronised promise so it could be run on top level)

import PQueue from 'p-queue';
import sp from 'synchronized-promise';
import { createSimport } from 'simport';

const simport = createSimport(__filename);

const importPqueue = () => {
	return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
		const pqueueImport = await simport('../node_modules/p-queue/dist/index.js');

const queue: PQueue = new ((sp(importPqueue) as any)())({ concurrency: 1 });

I think for the output you're supposed to use some other tool. Not a bundler.

@charsleysa , perhaps you could create a plugin that leverages microbundle?