
Use PLOOC for OOP on C?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

@pfusik Should this issue be closed as not planned?

pfusik commented

It seems that PLOOC provides no added value to cito and only a drawback of an added dependency.

I'm not familiar with PLOOC, but looking at the README:

Provide protection for private class members
Support protected members

cito does not expose struct fields in the header file. Objects are allocated on the heap using the emitted New/Delete functions.

Support multiple inheritance

Ć does not support multiple inheritance.

Support interface implementation

Ć does not support interfaces.

Support strict type checking/validation in certain compilers, such as IAR with multi-file compilation enabled.

Not sure what exactly is meant here. cito output is a standards-conforming, type-safe C.

Compliant with ANSI-C99

So is cito output.

ANSI-C90 is also supported but the protection for private feature is disabled.

Ć no longer supports C90.

Support Overload

Ć does not support overloading.