
A collection of useful helpers for Sublime Text when develping for Neos.

Table of contents

  1. Contents
  2. License
  3. Support
  4. Contributing
  5. Author



Content NodeType

A template for a Neos Content NodeType.

Source: Snippets/content-nodetype.sublime-snippet

Page NodeType

A template for a Neos Page NodeType.

Source: Snippets/page-nodetype.sublime-snippet

NodeType Group

A template for adding a tab with a group to a NodeType.

Source: Snippets/nodetype-group.sublime-snippet

NodeType Property

A template for adding a NodeType Property accessible over the Neos inspector.

Source: Snippets/nodetype-property.sublime-snippet

Inline-editable NodeType Property

A template for adding an inline-editable Property to a NodeType editable using Aloha.

Source: Snippets/nodetype-inline-editable-property.sublime-snippet

NodeType Property Validator

A template for adding a Validator to a NodeType Property.

Source: Snippets/nodetype-property-validator.sublime-snippet

Resource URI

A template for a Neos resource:// URI.

The added resource URI defaults to a NodeType template path but can be easily adjusted using fields.

Tab Trigger: resource://
Source: Snippets/resource-uri.sublime-snippet

Inline-editable tag

A template for adding an inline-editable tag to your fusion.

Source: Snippets/fusion-inline-editable-tag.sublime-snippet



Auto-completion for Fusion/TypoScript is included for the Fusion prototypes shipped with Neos. For a list see the official documentation.
A few more auto-completions for common structures are also included.

The auto-completion is scoped to the source.typoscript shipped with the TypoScript package by Daniel Siepmann, so you have to install that one to use Fusion auto-completion.


The source is published under the MIT License. A copy of that license is inlcuded in the distribution.

Any other content is, if not otherwise stated, published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Creative Commons License


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Feel free to join the development of this project by submitting pull requests.


Lucas Krause (@futape)

For a full list of contributors, click here.