
Navigate to Location sent in SMS in Drive Mode

Opened this issue · 2 comments

While the App is in Drive Mode and "Read Message" Option is turned on, parse the message to check if it contains any location name / a google map link? If a location is found, ask user "Received Location from . Do you want to navigate there?"

If the user answers in the affirmative using an utterance like "Yes|Sure|Certainly|Please do|Of Course|Yes thanks|Yes Please|..." then say "Ok. Routing you to [destination name]".
Then automatically open google maps for that locations and start navigation with turn by turn directions.

If the user answers in the negative then ignore the message.

If the user doesn't say anything or the app doesn't get what the user said please ask the user again like "Say Go or Go Now to navigate to [destination name]"

If the user says "Navigate" then Open Google Maps and start navigation to the destination.

If the user says anything other than "GO or GO NOW" then quit the voice dialog.

It should potentially be able to extract locations, names of places from sms text like in the following examples:

  1. Let's meet at Phoenix Mall at 8PM.
  2. Can we meet at CCD somewhere in Whitefield in the AM?
  3. I am at the conference at JP Nagar Convention Center. See you there at 10.


This feature should be supported even in a mode where the user recalls a message later and says "Now route me to the location that sent"