
node based cli interface to track your time and save it in jira cloud with tempo timesheets

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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yarn global add futjitrack
# or
npm i -g futjitrack


First you have to provide the jira cloud instance name and your credentials

futji-track auth-set <jira> <user> <pass>

Now you can list projects, list issues in projects and start tracking your time without ever leaving you good'old cli environment.

Full list of commands

futji-track --help [cmd]                      Show general help or command help
futji-track auth-set <jira> <user> <pass>     Set and save authentication
futji-track auth-status                       Print authentication details
futji-track project-ls                        List available projects
futji-track ticket-ls <project>               List open tickets assigned to you.
futji-track track-ls                          List currently running trackings
futji-track track-start                       Start a new tracking
futji-track track-stop <index>                Stop running tracking. Save work log in jira.
futji-track track-set <index>                 Set information on tracker
futji-track time-ls                           List work logs saved in jira
futji-track time-log <issue> <comment> <time> Log time in jira