
Not generating imports for externally defined typedefs

FranzZemen opened this issue · 2 comments

typedefs were properly generated from a source file. Another .ts source refers to those types, and to make it work I had to add typedefs to import those in the target .js

For example:


  • @typedef {import('./log-interface').TreatmentName} TreatmentName

Currently, ts-to-jsdoc individually transpiles each file. In addition to not supporting imports, this is probably much slower overall than handling transpilation on a project level. I'd like to make that change eventually, but it's going to take some time & effort. I'd be happy to accept any PRs working towards that in the meantime.

I'll start looking at the code base and get familiar with it. I like where this project is going, I didn't find anything like it. I found it useful to help me with some shims that I was working on.