
use strict: not found

Closed this issue · 4 comments

/var/Discord/gcomponents/node_modules/.bin/ts-to-jsdoc: 1: use strict: not found
: not foundd/gcomponents/node_modules/.bin/ts-to-jsdoc: 1:
/var/Discord/gcomponents/node_modules/.bin/ts-to-jsdoc: 2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

System: Windows Linux Subsystem Ubuntu

I had this same issue too, I thought it was a bug in the script but it's just that it's being executed as a shell script.

Add #!/usr/bin/env node as the first line in the file.
To get the path to the file do whereis ts-to-jsdoc

I had this same issue too, I thought it was a bug in the script but it's just that it's being executed as a shell script.

Add #!/usr/bin/env node as the first line in the file.

To get the path to the file do whereis ts-to-jsdoc

Weird thing is, that does not work for me. The path does not exist even tho im pretty sure it does. But I will try again.

Post the error you are getting.

Sorry about that! I forgot to test the previous version in a Linux environment. Mind trying out ts-to-jsdoc@1.1.2 and letting me know if that works?