
Thank you

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Just wanted to thank you, i can now say fuck to any anti-typescript people without problems and really quickly. Ima write an article on that ahahah

I would like to say Thank you as well for the idea.
Can you pls add an example of how to use it with loading a file and not just a string? Or how to generate a whole .ts project with it? @futurGH

npx ts-to-jsdoc <path to fodler or file> you can also use --o to specify target folder of compiled file. Take care doesn't work well with .tsx files.

I would like to say Thank you as well for the idea.
Can you pls add an example of how to use it with loading a file and not just a string? Or how to generate a whole .ts project with it? @futurGH

You can call ts-to-jsdoc directly from the command line if you have the package installed, passing it a file or directory path. See the "Command Line" example in the README for documentation on flags & options you can use.