
Cannot find module 'react-cheetah-grid' in Jest test

JWesorick opened this issue · 4 comments

react-cheetah-grid is working great with normal setup and a dev server. But when I go to write tests with Jest I get Cannot find module 'react-cheetah-grid' from 'src/components/Grid/index.js'. Again this is only in tests and imports fine from the same component when running on local dev server.

Thank you for posting issue.

There may be a compatibility issue with jest-resolver. Can you try adding the following field to the react-cheetah-grid package.json and let me know the result?

  "type": "module",
  "main": "dist/react-cheetah-grid.es.js",

If that works, I think we can add those fields and release.

Ok that mostly worked. Jest then recognizes it as a module. But then my specs are still written as CommonJS so I had to add

"transformIgnorePatterns": [

to my jest config to compile it. I think if my specs were written in the experimental ECMAScript way it would just work.

@shibukawa What do you think about adding fields to package.json?

Looks good.