
CiviRules integration

Opened this issue · 7 comments

As an action: so on creation of an activity of some type (in FF's case mobilisations), points can be granted
As a trigger: so on points being granted, or points balance of a certain level being reached, some other action can be done (in FF's case changing the colour code)

Options that may be useful in how to specify effective dates on the points given by an action

  • X days/weeks/months/years from now
  • End of the week/month/term/year (school term useful for FF, but may assume a one-size-fits-all definition and be specific to England)
  • Specific date (when you get past that date you'd need to manually update the rule)
  • Does not expire

As a trigger, note that not all points created may have immediate effect. Points balance as a cron trigger may be the thing to go for.

Some development done at CiviSprint (on the action part, at least) in the civirules-integration branch

I have just rebased (force pushed) the civirules-integration branch against master to allow testing with the latest features.

OK, I've merged the action so far. It's missing end date support, and we still want a trigger, so I'll leave the ticket open and merge again in the future.

For the trigger, may need to make a separate condition- when something happens, if the contact has more/less than X points, do something else.

The condition is now available with #17 .