Does not compile on ios versions < 14
jamesalvarez opened this issue · 6 comments
@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIDatePickerStyle datePickerStyle API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4));
in IASKSpecifier.h
Causes build to fail as UIDatePickerStyle not available - I think you will need preprocessor to cut out this line not just API_AVAILABLE
Just to understand, are you building on a legacy version of Xcode?
We generally target the current stable version of Xcode, however, we do support deployment targets back to iOS 9.
Xcode 11.3. I believe API_AVAILABLE just marks whether the declaration is available or not and produces warnings, but it never gets to that stage. The issue is that the declaration includes a symbol that is not in that version of iOS, so whole declaration needs to be enclosed in suitable preprocessor to prevent it trying to compile. I am trying to build for iOS version 11.
Is there a particular reason why you don't use the current version of Xcode? Xcode 11.3 was even before iOS 13.4 IIRC.
Apple usually accepts builds for the App Store only from recent Xcode versions. That's why we generally don't bother supporting legacy Xcode versions.
In Xcode 12 I can't reproduce the issue. Can you please supply a sample project?
Apologies I was wrong about my work PC having latest - it does but it also has 11.3. I have both versions (to be able to edit projects from my older macbook) and used wrong one! Still, app store does still accept builds from 11.3 ( the maximum version for Mojave). Obviously no need to submit project as it's just the cloned dir. Closing as you say, no real need to support older version.