
Module Generation

sercanov opened this issue · 6 comments

It would be great to have a yeoman style module generation. Like pepperoni generate module:Login would create a folder in modules with defaults. Isn't it ?

Yes, that's quite a nice idea. If you have time you could prototype something and we can see how it would work!

Sure ! I think yeoman is not the only option here, will come up in a few days.

Rather than yeoman we can also use plopjs and gluegun, they all can do the job but plop.js seems more lightweight and easy to implement.

I'll come up with experimental branch in few days.

Hey @sercanov, do you mind opening a PR? Would be easier to review and keep track of it. Based on my initial glance it looks nice. I think what we also want in the future is to be able to add extra "features" to a sample app, such as Auth0 (removed due to many people not liking it) and other optional things.

Hey @krivachy sure, opening right away.

Actually there are a lot of to do and plenty of possibilities. It may evolve a whole selective generator in the end.