
ideas for modules

Closed this issue · 12 comments

  • fork - pointfree fork fork(reject, resolve)(future) => fork-future
  • map-future - mapF(future, [1, 2, 3]) returns a future and runs future for every entry in parallel

Are you going to be including a fl compat implementation of futures in this org?

Don't know yet. Would be nice to learn more about the internals of Futures. Currently data.task is my go to future.
Are you interested in start such a implementation under futurize?

I mainly planned to add educational stuff about futures and helper modules such as futurize or parallel-future.

btw. I love your new avatar 🐻

ahh make sense... hmm why limit to futures then? lol maybe more education stuff about other monads like readers, IO, etc

haha.. i feel like i should just do my face instead of avatars...

why limit to futures then

I want limit this org to just futures if there is a need for other stuff. We need a better name for it :-)

Futures are just the thing I use a lot lately and there is not much tooling there yet. Like for promises and callbacks there is a lot (f.e. async).

btw. my initial plan with futurize was to create tools like async for Futures.

gotcha... its a nice tool async just big but thats a good idea for Futures

btw did think of other names?

btw did think of other names?

nothing good yet:

  • zukunft (german for future)
  • back-to-future
  • back-to-the-future
  • fantastic-future
  • fantasy-future

futurology - the study of futures... LOL

futurology 🚀