The purpose of this project is to explain Checkmarx DOM types with sample code.
More info can be found from Checkmarx Customer Service Community: How to Use Undocumented CxQL Object APIs
Please visit the wiki to learn about the the Checkmarx DOM Types.
All related information is documented in the wiki pages of this project.
The code repo is just a storage for sample code and pictures.
The strikethrough ones are not used in CxSAST 9.2.
They may be used in futhure releases of CxSAST or CxAST.
AccessorDeclAccessorModifiersArgumentRef- ArrayCreateExpr
ArrayElementRef- ArrayInitializer
AssemblyReference- AssignExpr
- AssignOperator
- AssociativeArrayExpr
AssociativeArrayPropertyEntryAssociativeArrayRegularEntryAttachDelegateStmtAttributeTarget- BaseRef
- BinaryExpr
- BinaryOperator
- BooleanLiteral
- BreakStmt
BuiltInType- Case
- CastExpr
- Catch
- CharLiteral
CheckedStmt- ClassDecl
CodeCollectionAttributeCodeElementAttribute- Comment
CommentStmt- ConstantDecl
- ConstantDeclStmt
- ConstructorDecl
- ContinueStmt
CreateDelegateExpr- CustomAttribute
- CxXmlNode
- Declarator
DelegateDeclDelegateInvokeExpr- DestructorDecl
- DictionaryCreateExpr
DictionaryInitializer- EnumDecl
- EnumMemberDecl
EventDeclEventRef- ExprStmt
- FieldDecl
FieldRef- ForEachStmt
FunctionTypeRef- GenericTypeRef
GenericsConstraints- GotoStmt
- GraphTypes
- IfStmt
- Import
IndexerDecl- IndexerRef
- IntegerLiteral
- InterfaceDecl
- IterationStmt
- IterationType
- LabeledStmt
- LambdaExpr
- LinePragma
LocalRef- LockStmt
- MemberAccess
MemberKind- MethodDecl
- MethodInvokeExpr
- MethodRef
- Modifiers
- NamespaceDecl
- NullLiteral
- ObjectCreateExpr
OperatorDeclOverloadableOperator- Param
- ParamDecl
- ParamDirection
- PointerTypeRef
- PostfixExpr
- PostfixOperator
- PropertyDecl
- PropertyRef
PropertySetValueRef- RankSpecifier
- RealLiteral
RemoveDelegateStmt- ReturnStmt
SliceExpression- StringLiteral
- StructDecl
SubExpr- SwitchStmt
- TernaryExpr
- ThisRef
- ThrowStmt
- TryCatchFinallyStmt
TupleCreateExprTupleInitializerTypeKind- TypeModifiers
- TypeOfExpr
- TypeRef
- UnaryExpr
- UnaryOperator
UncheckedStmt- UnknownReference
- UsingStmt
- VariableDecl
- VariableDeclStmt