
Better providing contact info

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've noticed there's not really a real place in the tarball/repo that lists all the websites available (the fuzzball website is linked in README.md, but the GitHub repository isn't. Though, users could find the GitHub repository via the website) nor the feedback email address (though that's available in configure.ac...)

I think adding a CONTACT file, or re-organising README.md a little would be nice. It'd also be a spot to put in the connection info for the dev MUCK.

But! I want to ask you guys what option you guys prefer:

  • create CONTACT file
  • re-organise README.md

I can do either of those. :3

I prefer re-organizing README.md ... I don't like scattering things around too much personally.

Added repo URL and feedback email to README.md