
Dodgy HOME metalink (SF issue)

tanabi opened this issue · 0 comments

On a muck with the 'gohome' command set (where gohome
is the usual metalink global exit to HOME) do the

@crea gh_toy
@crea ride_toy
@link ride_toy=gh_toy
@set ride_toy=x
@flock ride_toy=me
drop ride_toy
drop gh_toy
@force ride_toy=gohome

After the first look you'll see the ride_toy and gh_toy
in the room with you. After forcing the ride_toy to
gohome, you will find that the ride_toy is still in the
room with you while the gh_toy has relocated to #0. A
quick @tel later and you're sitting in #0. This will
work for mortals and wizards. Neither ride_toy nor
gh_toy are linked to #0.