
SVG icons not work

Closed this issue · 7 comments

When I upgrade to fvwm3,all SVG format icons can't display.

  • "%google-chrome.svg%&Chrome" Exec exec $[fvwm_browser]
  • "%utilities-terminal.svg:$[icon_size]%&Urxvt" Exec exec urxvt
    those 2 format code all not work.

Please help me fix this issue.

Hi @yoursaf

You'll need to supply a lot more information before we can help you with your problem. In fact, the issue template which comes with new issues to be filled out already details the key information we typically need.

To start with, can you paste the output from running the following command:

fvwm3 --version

fvwm3 --version
fvwm3 1.1.0 (released)
with support for: ReadLine, PNG, Shape, XShm, SM, XRandR, XRender, XFT, NLS

fvwm3 comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may redistribute copies of fvwm under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.

Hi @yoursaf

Your version of fvwm doesn't have SVG compiled into it.

So, how can i get svg support vision ?
I'm in Archlinux,use yay to install fvwm3

You will have to look at how the package is being built. If yay installs a prebuilt binary, you'll have to talk to the person who made the binary to include svg support, if it downloads source and builds it, you'll have to install the development headers for svg. Either way this isn't an fvwm3 issue, but an issue with whoever created the package you are installing.

Well. That's me. 🙂

But installing librsvg should be enough.

Well. That's me. 🙂

But installing librsvg should be enough.

install libsvg not working.
i install fvwm3-git version,its fixed.