StartIconic/IconGeometry bugs with dual monitor/dual pagers
Opened this issue · 7 comments
fvwm3 1.1.0 (1.0.9-77-g94da9d16)
with support for: ReadLine, XPM, PNG, SVG, Shape, XShm, SM, Bidi text, XRandR, XRender, XCursor, XFT, NLS
Linux 6.9.6-200.fc40.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Jun 21 15:48:21 UTC 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I only specify the x and y position for my pagers, not width nor height.
With both 1.1.0 and Head (1.1.1 xxx) when I start pagers on the left and right monitors, in iconic state, they both show up on the left monitor, in positions that don't seem to respect the IconGeometry x and y spec, but different for each pager.
When I right click on them to make them normal state, they end up on the correct monitor, obeying the Geometry option x an y spec.
When I again minimize them, they now stay in the correct monitor, which is strange, and both are i n the same x, y location, still not the one in IconGeometry.
(To make things a bit more confusing, 1.1.0 shows desks -1,0,1, as requested, but 1.1.1 (as of around 8 am PDT) only shows desks 0 and 1??.
Relevant config options below, for two 1920x1080 left and right monitors:
DeskTopSize 12x1
DesktopConfiguration per-monitor
Style "FvwmPager" CirculateSkip, WindowListSkip, Sticky, StickyIcon, !Handles
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPagerL:*
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPagerR:*
*FvwmPagerL: Monitor DisplayPort-0
*FvwmPagerL: Back LightSteelBlue4
*FvwmPagerL: Fore LightSteelBlue3
*FvwmPagerL: Hilight LightSteelBlue2
*FvwmPagerL: Rows 1
*FvwmPagerL: Columns 1
*FvwmPagerL: Geometry -1921-1
*FvwmPagerL: IconGeometry -1921-1
*FvwmPagerL: Font none
*FvwmPagerL: SmallFont -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-15
*FvwmPagerL: StartIconic
*FvwmPagerR: Monitor HDMI-A-0
*FvwmPagerR: Back LightSteelBlue4
*FvwmPagerR: Fore LightSteelBlue3
*FvwmPagerR: Hilight LightSteelBlue2
*FvwmPagerR: Rows 1
*FvwmPagerR: Columns 1
*FvwmPagerR: Geometry -1-1
*FvwmPagerR: IconGeometry -1-1
*FvwmPagerR: Font none
*FvwmPagerR: SmallFont -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-15
*FvwmPagerR: StartIconic
AddToFunc GoHome
- "I" GoToDesk 0 0
- "I" GoToPage 0 0
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
- "I" Test (Start) Module FvwmPager FvwmPagerL -1 1
- "I" Test (Start) Module FvwmPager FvwmPagerR -1 1
- "I" GoHome
- "I" Next (CurrentScreen, CurrentDesk) WarpToWindow 50 10p
Do you have any Style
settings using IconBox
at all?
Style * IconBox 500x50+200-1, IconSize Shrunk 50 50 50 50
Let me get rid of this and retry.
Same problem, only difference is that the iconic pagers show up at top left of the left monitor (0,0?), and right below it, (IconBox defaults?) with one still on the wrong monitor. Going to normal state show proper position/monitor. Back to icons now they are both at 0.0, of their assigned monitor.
Need to tell IconBox to not capture pager icons? Didn't have to do this (explicitly) for fvwm2.
And it seems start iconic doesn't respect the assigned monitor, until going to normal then back to icon.
I'll take a look later. Thanks.
Sure. And also that 1.1.1 doesn't respect the # of desks. Thanks.
I'll close this:-)
Added "IconBox None" to my config. Did a make clean, make install, rebooted, and now both pagers geometries and monitors are respected. One of those did it.
However, argc parsing on github's modules/FvwmPager/FvwmPager.c now contains the following lines
if (desk1 < 0)
desk1 = 0;
if (desk2 < 0)
desk2 = 0;
which explains why my "Pager -1 1", becomes "Pager 0 1". Are we losing our negative desks?
There's still more things I can do to make this work better with icon box styles.